Sunday, March 2, 2008

I hate Sunday nights the most because I know, as I stay up late finally having started my homework, that I have five days of misery and exhaustion ahead of me before I have to start the whole awful process over again.

It all starts with Saturday, you see. If you work hard on Saturday, then chances are you'll either finish your work Saturday and not have to work Sunday, or you'll be able to at least finish your work on Sunday because you had already started it the day before. Then you start your week on the right foot.

If you wait until Sunday to work, things never go right, you stay up late, and you know that because of your choice to procrastinate Saturday, you have 5 days of despair to look forward to.

You'd think that one would learn after years of not working Saturdays that the 5 days of anguish are hardly worth the one day of fun.

I've learned this, and yet, I'm not going to change my ways.

You can tell me, "You're not going to change because you've already made up your mind that you're not going to change."

But that's not entirely true. I've made up my mind before that I would change, and I then didn't, or at least the change didn't stick. So really, I don't think it matters what I decide to do or not do because I can't trust myself to follow through with it anyway.

At this point, I'm just tired of lying to myself.

I'm not going to tell myself, "This week I'll make things better. I'll get on top of my school work, I'll do my homework, I'll get a good amount of sleep, I'll keep up with my responsibilities," because I'm NOT going to, and I'd rather stop disappointing myself.

If I expect no better than failure from myself, I'll never be let down, will I?

Suggest what you will, but it's not going to make a difference.

I have homework to get back to, but I just thought I'd post this so I'd have something to edit for tomorrow (so I can stick a list in for March).


Joyce said...

Since when did school "suck" for you, Tory?! Once upon a time you loved school when it wasn't all consuming.

Let me give you one little hint. Being a procrastinator is not a happy. joyful thing to be!

I have been one most of my life and I am married to a thoroughly organized and meticulous man.

I envy much of his skills at getting things done in a timely manner.

He doesn't take on more than he can handle ... a real shortcoming for me.

He doesn't know the meaning of multitasking; well I am finally learning it is no longer in my vocabulary either.

Stop taking on more than you can do ~ which may mean staying away from the computer until you have finished the important things in life.

You are too young to be so burned out!!! xo Grammy

charlithebold said...

hey tory...hang in is possible to stay ahead of the game...all you gotta do is sit down and drudge through even though you hate me im the 16 year old in college and i am drudgeing as we

RDCS said...

so, i've tried giving you advice before, and its essentially dejavu all over again.

So...this time i'll try a different approach.

Where you could be- Ideally, all A's. Whether or not thats realistic doesn't really matter, but its a good goal.

Where you are- I'm not really sure. but i know its not all A's

Where you Could be- the more important one, which is worse than where you are. Not much oprotunity there. So the way i see it (my watered down view, that is), you're doing fine, could be doing better, but at least your not doing worse.

...i dont think i'm saying anything new.

*shrugs* Do with that what you will. You've got your own thing happening, but dont give up hope, cuz you're doing FINE just not as good as you want to be doing. Again, thats from my watered down version of your situation.