Yay, life.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Well, my mom's been nagging me to update my blog, so here's the latest on me:

I'm failing Chemistry; I'm probably failing Spanish, English, and History; I bombed my ACTs; I'm exhausted. In short, I simply have no hope of climbing out of this hole I've dug myself into.

So I won't get into BYU--big deal, right? Maybe Germana will take me.

But besides all that, life is just fantastic. I love life. Living is my favorite thing ever.

And no, I don't need your pity, advice, or help. I'm fine. I wouldn't post this at all except that my mom wants me to. Now you know why I haven't updated my blog in a week...


RDCS said...

O.o Smokes i need to talk to you on AIM.

Hope things start looking up, though. I'll save most of my constructive commentary for the aforementioned AIM talking.

heh heh heh, my word verification has "pwn" at the end.

Happy The Man said...

Don't flunk Spanish, how are you going to communicate with the Californians when you visit there?

Cathleen said...

You need a hug.....

Joyce said...

Oh my, the perfect teenager flunking chemistry plus most of her other classes? Mom's right, you need a HUGE hug!! Dad's right, too, how will you maneuver around CA without Spanish?!

One more thought is you could try less AIM-ing and getting more shuteye. Whoops, no advice needed or wanted so I'll just sign off... xo Grammy

Tory said...

Thanks Grammy. I appreciate the comment, but I said I don't need advice because I already know what I'm doing wrong. It's just the fixing it that I'm having trouble with. But I'll get by somehow, I suppose...